Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Neutral statements work!

We all have had those moments when we said more than we needed to response to a situation. We leave questioning ourselves and wondering if what we said was helpful or hurtful. As most of you know we have those opportunities daily to check in with ourselves in all our conversations. I’m not implying we question every encounter but some days my emotional filter may not be at its best. So here are 3 neutral statements you can use when you are questioning how important is it to give advice, listen, or just reflect back.

1. You may be right.
2. That’s an interesting way to say that.
3. I don't know let me think about that and get back to you later.

These neutral statements have really helped me and my clients in difficult situations. So if you are ready to learn more and say less, call me for a 30 minute complimentary coach call today.